Settling In

We left our house at 1:30 pm on Thursday, July 12th and arrived at my father’s home at 12:30 pm on Saturday, July 14th.  With the time change, we traveled a total of 42 hours to reach our new home.  (Albeit, we did get to spend 15 of those hours in a hotel, so it wasn’t too terrible.)  The trip to JFK was more eventful than I had hoped due to traffic on the Belt Parkway.  With only 15 miles left to get to the airport, traffic came to a crawl….literally.  We traveled 6 miles in 75 minutes.  My heart rate spiked, and I began to sweat.  Seven miles out the traffic opened, and Chris pulled into the airport 90 minutes before our flight.  That didn’t give us much time for good-byes…actually there weren’t any.  Just a quick hug and off we ran to check in.  In the airport I turned around and kept saying to the kids, “Push and pull, you can do it!”  The kids were each pushing a large suitcase, wearing a backpack, and pulling a carry-on.  We made it to a line relatively quickly and then the tears started.  Without knowing what was happening, someone had their arms wrapped around me.  I looked up and saw Chris standing there.  I guess he didn’t like the lack of good-bye time either!

Large suitcases checked, we only had to navigate three flights with these pieces!

This is a photo of the beautiful home of my father in Ikaria.  We are currently staying above the garage in a studio apartment.  We fit surprisingly well, and it’s very comfortable.  I’ll never tire of the view from the wall of windows.

Our home in Karavostamo, Ikaria, Greece.

Within an hour of arriving, my father sent Elias to the bakery to buy two fresh loaves of bread for lunch.  He handed him 2 Euro and sent him on his way.  Rea and Zach tagged along, and they walked down the hill to the small bakery.  Elias was able to order and pay for the bread, all in Greek, all by himself.

The bakery is the blue door on the bottom.

Since we have arrived, we have spent many hours at the beaches and sitting at tavernas.  In the daytime we swim to stay cool.  The temperatures have been near 100 daily, and the crystal clear waters are inviting and refreshing.  The evenings are cooler and late at night the village gathers in the platia, or the town square for the company, a drink, and something small to eat.  With nothing else to do on the island, sitting for hours takes no effort and causes no stress.  Sitting and relaxing, for those who know me well, know that in America, this is something I don’t do well at all.  Well, really, I just don’t do it ever! But there is something about Greece that makes the idea of “nothing” seem wonderful.

View from Calypso–a restaurant with a beautiful view and a never ending breeze.

18 comments on “Settling In

  1. Maddie Ouellette says:

    Oh Jackie it all sounds sooooo wonderful!! Savor every minute!


  2. L and the 3Bs says:

    I am so glad that Chris found you and could soothe you before your travels. The house looks beautiful. Enjoy and relax my friend. Glad to know that you arrived safely.

  3. Debbie Brooks says:

    Bravo! You have arrived and begun your adventure!
    Thinking of you fondly..Debbie and Carson

  4. Colleen says:

    Yeah Chris! What a great husband! I would love to sit on the terrace at Calypso and share a meal with you, looks beautiful! Way to go Elias, wasting no time fitting in!

  5. Aunt Stella says:

    So sweet of Chris to park and run to meet you before you left. Everything looks and sounds wonderful! You will learn to relax and live the Greek way and hopefully take some of what you learned back with you! As they say,
    stop and smell the roses. What a great opportunity for you all.

  6. Amy says:

    Jackie that sounds amazing….I am more relaxed already just reading your post. I just spent the last 15 minutes yelling at my kids about being responsible for their own things. Your description of the water was so vivid it has now become my new “happy place” in my mind to go to when everyone is driving me crazy. I won’t believe you are relaxing until I see proof….I need pictures! Love you and miss you!

    • jandcfox says:

      I know you can’t see this proof Amy, but I just sat at a table with my two cousins, had a beer, and talked for close to three hours…and I didn’t look at my watch once!

  7. sally says:

    so awesome!!! love the pictures! so glad to know you are relaxing and I know that you are well! I’ll picture Elias and the kids walking through the streets, bread in hand, heading to the house with the wall of windows!!! I’ll be thinking of you while sitting at Skyline and wishing I was swimming in the beautiful waters in Greece!

    • jandcfox says:

      The good thing about being here is that if someone poops in the sea, no one knows and we don’t have to evacuate! Stay cool at Skyline…and good luck with the rest of the meets!!

  8. Ann Cohen says:

    Jackie, This looks so beautiful. Enjoy, enjoy!!

  9. jim gialamas says:

    Jackie, it’s Jim Gialamas. My sister Roy forwarded your blog to me and now I’m following it from my desk here at the office. It’s very inspiring. I have already showed it to my wife Carol so that we can someday build up the courage to make a long visit to the old country. Please send my regards to your father!

    • jandcfox says:

      Wonderful Jim! I’m glad you have found the blog. Hopefully I will have great stories to share! I have been here in the village for 4 days and everyone has welcomed us and made us feel comfortable already. If you can find the courage, I know that the people of Greece will make everything else fall into place.
      I will tell my father hello!

  10. Holly Steger says:

    Jackie — so happy that you are all safe and sound in Greece. The views are amazing. I can’t wait to follow your journey over the next year. You will make travelers and dream-followers out of us all.

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